中关村论坛 414
题目: Increasing the energy density of Li-Ion batteries by structuring electrodes and using high energy density materials
时间: 2023年07月18日 16:30
地点: 中科院物理研究所M楼236会议室
报告人: Professor Michael De Volder

University of Cambridge


Michael De Volder is Professor of Advanced Materials Engineering at the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. Michael carried out his PhD research on MEMS actuators at the University of Leuven in Belgium and in part at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. He spent time as a postdoc researcher at institutes, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Michigan and Harvard University working on different aspects of nanotechnology. Michael also worked for several years at imec - an industry funded microelectronics research institute - before joining the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is a recipient of an ERC Starting Grant as well as an ERC Consolidator Grant and he is holder of several industrial and academic awards. He is a Laureate of the Belgian Royal Academy and co-founder of Echion Technologies and Myriofoam (UK).


Li-Ion batteries have a profound impact on our daily lives, ranging from how we work (e.g. laptops) and communicate (e.g. mobile phones) to how we travel (e.g. electrical vehicles). It is therefore unsurprising that tremendous research efforts have gone towards the development of better battery materials. In this talk, I will focus on how optimising the structure of how battery particles are assembled on electrodes can lead to better battery performance. At the micro and nanoscale, we seek to understand fundamentally how controlling material structure impacts device performance in terms of kinetics, energy density and lifetime. The latter will be discussed particularly with a focus on Ni-rich cathode degradation. At the same time, on the macro scale we focus on how these advanced electrode structures can be manufactured at scale using roll-to-roll processing.

邀请人:黄学杰(8264 8073)

联系人:胡    颖(8264 9361)