题目: [栖湖讲座(第五十期)] Quantum phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland compound SrCu2(BO3)2 in extreme conditions
时间: 2023年09月15日 10:00
地点: 怀柔园区X1南楼206会议室
报告人: 史振中 教授






In the Shastry-Sutherland model, the ground state of the system is determined by the relative strength of the nearest neighbor and next-nearest neighbor interactions, J and J’ respectively. When the ratio of J/J’ is tuned continuously, it is predicted that the ground state changes from a spin dimer singlet state to a novel, intermediate 4-spin plaquette singlet state, before eventually reaching an antiferromagnet (AFM) state. The transition between the 4-spin plaquette state and the AFM state is predicted to occur at a deconfine quantum critical point (DQCP), which has been intensively studied recently. SrCu2(BO3)2, as an experimental realization of the Shastry-Sutherland model, has thus attracted considerable interests. Recent experimental advances have revealed signatures of a 4-spin plaquette singlet state, and in particular, signatures of a DQCP. However, this intermediate phase also features signatures that clearly deviate from the prediction of the ideal Shastry-Sutherland model. Therefore, the nature of this plaquette phase and how it evolves into other phases require further investigation. Here, I will discuss our recent studies of the quantum phase diagram of the plaquette state by tuning the pressure and magnetic field, using tunnel diode oscillator measurements. Our results reveal the emergence of a sequence of quantum phases once the spin dimer singlet and the plaquette singlet phase are suppressed by the magnetic field.



邀 请 人:周 睿 特聘研究员

联 系 人:王慧颖 why@iphy.ac.cn