题目: [表面科学论坛(145)] New magnetic phases at surfaces
时间: 2023年09月13日 10:00
地点: M楼253会议室
报告人: Stefan Blügel

Peter Grünberg Institute and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Germany


Surfaces of magnets and ultrathin magnetic films are a source of rich physics due to (i) a reduction of the coordination number enhancing magnetism, (ii) substate orientations  motivating magnetic frustration, and (iii) an inversion symmetry breaking giving rise to chiral magnetic interactions. All this together gives rise to magnetic interactions that cannot be solely explained by the conventional Heisenberg model. Starting from simple ideas and gedankenexperiments I cover recent works on new magnetic phases at surfaces including Gd(0001), Fe/Rh(111), Fe/Ir(111), rare earth on graphene etc, with surprising results cover chiral, non-collinear, and skyrmionics textures.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Blügel is German citizen, Professor for Theoretical and Computational Physics at RWTH-Aachen University, Germany, and Institute Director of the Department Quantum Theory of Materials, which is part of the Peter Grünberg Institute and the Institute of Advanced Simulation, of the Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany. He studied physics at Saarbrücken University and at RWTH-Aachen University, he carried out his research at the College of William and Mary, Williamburg, VA, USA and Forschungszentrum Jülich and graduated (with distinction) in 1988 with a Ph.D degree in Physics at RWTH-Aachen University. He completed his Habilitation degree in 1996. Between 1988-1990 he was JSPS-postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Solid-State Physics (ISSP) of the Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Between 2001-2003 he was Associate Professor for Theoretical Physics, University of Osnabrück. He is active in several national and European science and science policy committees and received several national research awards. His research interest lies in low-dimensional magnetism, spintronics, electronic structure theory and high-performance computing. In the last decade he focused on spin-orbit related phenomena in quantum materials and materials system  with emphasis on spinorbitronics and materials for spinorbitronics. He advocated the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and skyrmions at surfaces and interfaces.  In total he published more than 500 papers that are cited more than 25000 times.

邀请人:章一奇 副研究员

联系人:张坚地 研究员